I usually listen to podcasts passively. Then again, most people do the same, right? By passively, I mean I generally listen to them as they are released, eagerly wait for the next episode, and do not typically submit or suggest information to the podcast host(s).
Well, I decided to post a link to one of the podcasts I subscribe to for an upcoming pinball show near my home. I used an e-mail account that I rarely send mail with. I didn’t realize that the e-mail account still had the Vintage Volts website in the automatic signature line.
To my pleasant surprise, I was plugged on RetroGamingRoundup http://www.retrogamingroundup.com. The plug was favorable (Thanks SoCal!)It’s not that I don’t welcome the plug. I certainly appreciate it, but now I’m compelled to keep the blog up to date.
No problem (I tell myself). This is something I should be doing anyway. I created this site because I wanted to blog on classic electronic gear. I have plenty of stories to write and no real excuse NOT to write anything. All I really need to do is switch into “old man mode” and type out, nearly verbatim, everything I tell my kids about the stuff I grew up with. It can’t be that hard, can it?
So, I apologize for the “tens” of followers I have on this site at this time who were expecting more posts from me. Now it’s time for me to dig through my basement and reminisce about the stuff I find and share those memories with all of the other “vintage gear” buffs out there.
Thanks for visiting!!